VMware 3V0-22-21N Exam Questions & Answers

The VMware 3V0-22-21N exam is a configuration based exam and requires you to know the vSphere configuration. This preparation tool will teach you the content, questions, and format of the exam. It also includes a video.


Question: 1

The security team has decided to follow the VMware-recommended best practices in the vSphere hardening guide. esxi02b:
Your first task is to create a local user in esxi02b:
*    Name: SpecialUser
*    Role: Administrator
Your second task is to ensure that SpecialUser is the ONLY user who is able to SSH into esxi02b via Putty. Your final task is to enforce a strict lockdown on esxi02b.
Your second task is to ensure that SpecialUser is the ONLY user who is able to SSH into esxi02b via Putty. Your final task is to enforce a strict lockdown on esxi02b.



Authentication and authorization govern access.vCenter Single Sign-Onsupports authentication, which means it determines whether a user can access vSphere components at all. Each user must also be authorized to view or manipulate vSphere objects.
vSphere supports several different authorization mechanisms, discussed inUnderstanding Authorization in vSphere. The focus of the information in this section is how thevCenter Serverpermission model works and how to perform user management tasks.
vCenter Serverallows fine-grained control over authorization with permissions and roles. When you assign a permission to an object in thevCenter Serverobject hierarchy, you specify which user or group has which privileges on that object. To specify the privileges, you use roles, which are sets of privileges.
Initially, only the administrator user for the vCenter Single Sign-On domain, administrator@vsphere.local by default, is authorized to log in to thevCenter Serversystem. That user can then proceed as follows:
Add an identity source in which users and groups are defined tovCenter Single Sign-On. See thePlatform Services Controller  Administrationdocumentation.
Give privileges to a user or group by selecting an object such as a virtual machine or avCenter Serversystem and assigning a role on that object for the user or group.


Question: 2

You have just deployed a new vCenter Server Appliance. Vcsa0l
a. and are required to back up to configuration after deployment. To complete this task, perform an unencrypted backup of the vCenter Server Appliance using the following details:
*    Use the FTP protocol to backup the appliance
*    FTP Server Location:
*    FTP Username: administrator
*    FTP Password: VMware1!
Note: Make sure you include the / at the end of the Server Location



You must have an FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, or SCP server up and running with sufficient disk space to store the backup. Dedicate a separate folder on your server for each file-based backup.
In a Web browser, go to thevCenter Server ApplianceManagement Interface, https://appliance-IP-address-or-FQDN:5480. Log in as root.
In thevCenter Server ApplianceManagement Interface, clickSummary. ClickBackup.
TheBackup Appliancewizard opens.
Enter the backup protocol and location details. Option
Description Backup protocol
Select the protocol to use to connect to your backup server. You can select FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, or SCP.
For FTP, FTPS, HTTP, or HTTPS the path is relative to the home directory configured for the service. For SCP, the path is absolute to the remote systems root directory.
Backup location
Enter the server address and backup folder in which to store the backup files. Port
Enter the default or custom port of the backup server. User name
Enter a user name of a user withwriteprivileges on the backup server. Password
Enter the password of the user withwriteprivileges on the backup server.
(Optional)SelectEncrypt Backup Datato encrypt your backup file and enter a password for the encryption. If you select to encrypt the backup data, you must use the encryption password for the restore procedure. ClickNext.
On the Select parts to backup page, review the data that is backed up by default. (Optional)SelectStats, Events, and Tasksto back up additional historical data from the database. (Optional)In theDescriptiontext box, enter a description of the backup and clickNext.
On the Ready to complete page, review the summary information for the backup and clickFinish. TheBackup Progresswindow opens and indicates the progress of the backup operation.
After the backup process finishes, clickOKto close theBackup Progresswindow. Results
You successfully created a backup file of thevCenter Server Appliance.


Question: 3

A vSphere administrator has deployed a new server. The VM will have a workload which is prodApp1 to the following specifications:
*    The VM should never have any memory contention while powered on. even if the host that it resides
*    Configure the virtual machine for high latency sensitivity.



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