312-39 Exam Dump - How to Prepare For the Exam With the Help of 312-39 Exam Dump

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Question: 1

John , a SOC analyst, while monitoring and analyzing Apache web server logs, identified an event log matching Regex /(\.|(%|%25)2E)(\.|(%|%25)2E)(\/|(%|%25)2F|\\|(%|%25)5C)/i.

What does this event log indicate?

A. XSS Attack
B. SQL injection Attack
C. Directory Traversal Attack
D. Parameter Tampering Attack

Answer : A



Question: 2

According  to  the  forensics  investi ati  n  process,  what  is  the  next  step  carried  out  right  after collecting the evidence?

A. Create a Chain of Custody Document
B. Send it to the nearby police station
C. Set a Forensic lab
D. Call Organizational Disciplinary Team

Answer: A

Question: 3

Identify the HTTP status codes that represents the server error.

A. 2XX
B.. 4XX
C. 1XX
D. 5XX

Answer : D

Question: 4

Which of the following directory will contain logs related to printer access?

A. /var/log/cups/Printer_log file
B. /var/log/cups/access_log file
C. /var/log/cups/accesslog file
D. /var/log/cups/Printeraccess_log file

Answer: A


Question: 5


of the following command is used to enable logging in iptables?

A. $ iptables -B INPUT -j LOG
B. $ iptables -A OUTPUT -j LOG
C. $ iptables -A INPUT -j LOG
D. $ iptables -B OUTPUT -j LOG

Answer: B

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